Our company is your number one source for professional service. We surpass the competition, in not only price, but value as well.
Those who follow the Steel Truss/Fabric Structure industry, may know of a series of widely produced fabric buildings that blew down or collapsed in the past year. One of these was the practice facility of the Dallas Cowboys which occurred in May of 2009.
This was not an ICT building.

Many have asked ICT what the difference is between our products and the manufacturer of the building that collapsed. ICT buildings differ in many ways but the key to our success has been to design and engineer each building to the site specific location that it is to be used in. We do not sell “out of the box” structures and hope they meet specifications. We create buildings that will stand the test of time and allow our customers and ourselves the peace of mind to “sleep well at night”. 

Our intention of highlighting this information is to inform current and potential clients that although many buildings look the same you can rest assured that all ICT buildings meet or exceed local, national, and international codes for building safety. At ICT our customer’s safety comes always first.

The national Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has finalized its review of this incident. You are able to review the final report here. The collapse of the Dallas Cowboys' facility was caught on camera which can be viewed here.

ICT will not compromise on safety or quality to produce a “cheaper building”. Our focus will always be on solid engineering and design. We may never be the biggest volume manufacturer or the least expensive, but ICT will always offer great value for an even greater product.

If you have any questions or need more detailed information on our products or services please contact us.